Personal Notes File

Check Time... Command


The Check Time command can be used to determine whether your computer’s system time is synchronized with network time. In case that your system clock is not correct, you should not use the Calculate TOTP... command.

To check your computer’s time against network time

  1. From the Tools menu choose Check Time....
  2. NOTEFILE will check network time by making an HTTPS request to my Web site to retrieve the network time (which is assumed to be correct). This time is compared with your current system time. If the difference is less than two seconds, your computer’s time is assumed to be adequately synchronized with a correct time source.
  3. If the difference is larger than two seconds, you will be informed that your system clock needs synchronization.

NOTEFILE compares the system time with the network time obtained from my Web site. If your computer does not have access to Internet or somehow my Web site is not available at that moment, you will get an error message. You may try later when you are online. Please contact me if the error persists.


Your system clock seems to be correct.
It is only seconds ahead/behind.
The Check Time... command will compare the local time with network time and will display this message if the absolute time difference is less than 2 seconds. The second line will show the calculated (or estimated) time difference. Please note that, because of network delays and bottlenecks you should not expect the calculated time difference to be exactly 0.000 seconds even for a perfectly synchronized system clock. Your computer’s time zone may also be wrong.
Your system clock is seconds ahead/behind!
This message suggests that your system clock is not synchronized. The estimated time difference shown will indicate how far your system clock is away from the correct time. Please, try again the Check Time... command and if you get a similar result, try to synchronize your system clock.

Error messages

If you get errors like Could not initialize OpenSSL library or VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found:

  • for Windows you may need to download the latest openssl-* file from IndySockets / OpenSSL-Binaries and extract the two *.dll files into the directory containing the notefile.exe executable;
  • for Linux you may need to run
    $ sudo apt install libssl1.1

and retry this menu option.