TXT Format
TXT formatted files are normal text files containing UTF-8 encoded characters. They can be created and edited with a text editor, like NOTEPAD++ which can save files in UTF-8 without BOM format.
To separate a card from another, NOTEFILE uses a
Card Separator character. The first character in the TXT
file is taken as the Card Separator. In subsequent lines of the file, a line
starting with the Card Separator character starts a new card. NOTEFILE may
encounter difficulties when opening a text file which does not start with the
correct Card Separator character. (It must be a displayable ASCII character or
the Form Feed character.) For an example of a text file using the left
bracket ([
) as the Card Separator, see the README.TXT file which
comes with NOTEFILE.
When you save a card file in TXT format, NOTEFILE uses Form Feed as Card Separator by default. But you can change this to any other displayable character from the File Setup... menu item.
- File setup information is not saved in TXT files. So, for example, Quick Search Items will not be saved in a TXT file.
- It is not possible to create an encrypted and/or compressed TXT file. So, it is not advisable to use a TXT file for documents holding critical data.
- When editing TXT files to be used by NOTEFILE,
use a text editor that can save files in UTF-8 without BOM
format. In NOTEPAD for Windows do not select
UTF-8 with BOM
while saving such a file; selectUTF-8