After Asklepeion we came to Lardos village, which was the junction point to Laerma village with Thari monstery. So we drove up the hills and passing Laerma we were able to find the monastery. This was the first monastery of the island and recently it was reestablished as a monastic community. There were beautiful 13th century frescoes in the church,a nice garden with a water spring, and even a garden with plenty of animals, maintained by the monks.
After Thari it was time for Lindos the second important touristic center on the island after Rodos city. We parked on the main praking place and we walked down the street to Lindos village. Most of the houses have been bought and restored both by foreign and local celebrities. Plenty of tourist shops and cafes in the narrow streets that resemble a labyritnh. There are no vehicles in the village so you have to walk. To climb up to the acropolis you can take the steps or alternatively you can hire a donkey. We decide to walk :)
The Acropolis is the most famous ancient city in the Dodekanessa and it attracts 500,000 visitors yearly. A Doric settlement established around 2000 BC. After Rodos city was founded The commercial importance of Lindos declined. St Paul landed here while on his way to Rome. The Byzantine fortress has been strengthened by the Knights and later by Turks. The Acropolis is ontop of a 116 m high rock. On the steps leading up to the acropolis there is awarship hewen out of rock. On the higest place is the Temple to Athena the most important building of the acropolis. There are teriffic views from the acropolis overlooking Lindos village and the beaches.