My Travel Pages
Here is a summary of my visit to Gallipoli battle fields in early spring of 2005 (Gelibolu Milli Parký)...
Here is a link of my "Three weeks in Italy" between 10 September and 2 October in 2005
On 19-25 September 2007 we visited Rodos and Simi islands, two of the Greek Dodecanessa islands on the Aegean Sea... You can click here to read thru this visit...
I am now writing my Mini Travel Articles in the following two magazines
I created under the project. Ulitzer is
now beta but you can access the magazine via their individual links :
My blog page under Ulitzer project can be accessed by clicking here.
If you want you can sign-up to Ulitzer content management system and then go and subscribe to my magazines either via "Email News Alerts" of via "RSS".
However you can still come here to my webpage and read my Mini Travel Articles by clicking on the last button
I added to the left hand menu :
If you want you can also open and bookmark my new Mini Travel Articles page and access it whenever you want to read my articles.