Three weeks in Italy
(10 Sept-02 Oct 2005)

Day 5 (Wednesday, Sept 14, 2005)

The next morning after the breakfast we left Sapri and climbed the hills to reach the motorway...

It was after that we discovered Italians like trolls ?? have dug thousands of tunnels all over Italy for those motorways... later we find out that there were even crossroads into the tunnels...

There was so much road down to Villa San Giovanni were we would take the ferry to Sicily island... after we passed Cosenza town we run into road construction so there was much traffic... finally we reached Villa San Giovanni and get into the ferry... in the ferry we talked to a lovely young lady and her mom and they gave us plenty of directions for Sicily... from what to eat to which places we should see and things we should be carefull... she told us we had to be carreful while driving as the Sicilians were driving crazier than the Italians... and that Sicily was Sicily but not Italy... the funniest thing was that we were speaking to the young lady in English and her mom could understand us and speak to us in Italian which in turn we could understand her so well :))...

So are the Italians... they are always ready to help you, and in return to a simple question you get back a long story of their life :))... we learn many Italian words like "dodici" for 12 Euros, the entrance fee for two to almost every museum... "a sinistra", "a destra", "semaforo", "sempre diritto" for directions... "aperto", "chiuso", "uscita", "rallentare", "curva pericolosa" and many others...

After we reached Messina city in the port we were almost having a car accident... but we could make our way out of the city to the highway... so we reached Milazzo city were everyone was sleeping...

then we drove thru the winding coastal road and around Camastra we visited pottery galleries and we bought one very beautful plate which after two days I dropped and broke it... after Camastra we reached Cefalu... a very beautiful city to spend a night... we found a descent Hotel (Hotel Pescatore) just outside of Cefalu and then we went out to visit Cefalu center... this night there was a thunderstorm and it rained a lot...