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The following is a link to my brother's, Fedon Kadifeli's web page. Have a visit to it...
Some Art Links Classical Guitar Forum
A forum for classical guitar players around the world, an absolutely free internet resource center, 2.146 pages worth of scores for classical guitar listed according to difficulty level, access to thousands of tips, video clips, online guitar lessons and more than 4.000 MP3s performed by worldwide members.
A multilingual and entirely ad-free website managed by Jean-François Delcamp, and moderated by approximately one hundred volunteer-guitarists on a daily-basis. Around 6.200 guitar players from 130 countries log in every day to this website to participate in one of our six French, Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese forums. Moreover, at the bottom of each forum is enclosed a mini forum, were one can participate in any of the 5 other language forums mentioned above.
Quoted from Jean-François Delcamp's welcome page.
| Classical Guitar Home
Another great page, containing a great collection of free PD sheet music for classical guitar. There are over 5,000 scores and over 1,500 videos which can be accessed also by an alphabetical index of composers' names.
WetCanvas! is the Cyber living place for artists. A community of the kind of an online education, magazine, resources and gallery aimed at artists. It is the largest single repository of free online art education on the Internet. Content currently features articles, tips, tutorials, message forums, books, videos, product guides/reviews, free virtual gallery space for. With almost 50 channels or main forums that stem from Debates to Digital Art, from Watercolors to Oils, from Creativity to Teacher's toolbox etc.
Wetcanvas! was founded in 1998 and enjoyed an average growth rate of over 100% for each of the last 7 years. There are over 50,000 registered, active members. Over 2,000 members are added every month. Another 250,000 visitors find us each month through search engines, art publications, and newsletters. Forums contain over 3 million posts, making it the single largest repository on the net for interactive visual arts information, receiving 4,000+ new post every day. In 2004, we received traffic from more than 4 million unique IP addresses. WetCanvas! was recognized by a large community tracking and advocacy group as one of the top 100 largest bulletin boards on the Internet, and the single largest board with a focus on the visual artist. Wetcanvas! serves over five terabytes of data every month (5 trillion bytes, or the equivalent of 1,563 CD ROMs!)
Quote from Wetcanvas! welcome page -- figures as of year 2005
The Painter's Keys
Thanks for subscribing to the "Robert Genn Twice-Weekly Letter."... By subscribing you have joined a world-wide community of creative people. We are mostly painters, but there are also a large number of sculptors, writers, photographers, and to a lesser degree collectors and art dealers and others who are just interested...
I started writing these letters in July of 1999. My idea was to form a community that would help to empower others with the same interests...
The most popular page on "The Painter's Keys" site is the Resource of Art Quotations...
Another valuable resource is the page called Studios Worldwide...
If you have an art-related website, please consider putting a link to it on our free Art Directory...
Quoted from Robert Genn's Welcome Page